Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC

File extension Details of ZLM, ZLQ, ARN, ZLR, ZLS, ARX, AS, ZLN, ASC

File Type:AAICWpro/ZoneAlarm Mailsafe .mst renamed file
Category:Data file
File Description:ZoneAlarm MailSafe renames the file extension because that way it can flag it as quarantined without having to move it to a separate "quarantine" folder. It also ensures that the file cannot be executed accidentally.
Open Programs:

ZoneAlarm Mailsafe

Company / developer:
  Zone Labs

ZoneAlarm's MailSafe provides virus protection for Microsoft Visual Basic scripts sent as e-mail attachments.

How MailSafe works
MailSafe protects your machine against viruses that can potentially arrive as e-mail attachments in the form of .VBS (Visual Basic script) files.

MailSafe is active by default; the option to enable or disable it can be found in the Security Panel. MailSafe works with mail clients that use POP3 and IMAP, the most common Internet e-mail protocols. It identifies .VBS scripts that arrive attached to your e-mails and prevents them from executing.

When an attachment is detected, ZoneAlarm quarantines it by changing the extension to .ZL and ends with either a letter or number. For example, a file called SERVER.VBS will be renamed SERVER.ZL1.

When you double-click on a quarantined file, ZoneAlarm asks whether or not you would like to open the attachment. At this point, you can choose to open the attachment, to delete the e-mail, or to check further on the validity of the e-mail and the attachment.

MailSafe does not automatically delete files attached to your e-mails and it is not a virus scanner. Rather than scanning and deleting viruses, it quarantines the attachment file and gives you the opportunity to keep the identified .VBS program from running. Visual Basic Script files can only cause damage when they are allowed to run on your machine.

MailSafe can cause a conflict with other mail-checking software. For this reason, if your e-mail system freezes or hangs or you run into a similar technical problem while you have MailSafe active, either disable MailSafe or disable other mail-checking or virus scanning software you have installed.

File Type:AAICWpro/ZoneAlarm Mailsafe renamed .scr file
Category:Data file
File Description:ZoneAlarm MailSafe renames the file extension because that way it can flag it as quarantined without having to move it to a separate "quarantine" folder. It also ensures that the file cannot be executed accidentally.
Open Programs:

ZoneAlarm Mailsafe

Company / developer:
  Zone Labs

ZoneAlarm's MailSafe provides virus protection for Microsoft Visual Basic scripts sent as e-mail attachments.

How MailSafe works
MailSafe protects your machine against viruses that can potentially arrive as e-mail attachments in the form of .VBS (Visual Basic script) files.

MailSafe is active by default; the option to enable or disable it can be found in the Security Panel. MailSafe works with mail clients that use POP3 and IMAP, the most common Internet e-mail protocols. It identifies .VBS scripts that arrive attached to your e-mails and prevents them from executing.

When an attachment is detected, ZoneAlarm quarantines it by changing the extension to .ZL and ends with either a letter or number. For example, a file called SERVER.VBS will be renamed SERVER.ZL1.

When you double-click on a quarantined file, ZoneAlarm asks whether or not you would like to open the attachment. At this point, you can choose to open the attachment, to delete the e-mail, or to check further on the validity of the e-mail and the attachment.

MailSafe does not automatically delete files attached to your e-mails and it is not a virus scanner. Rather than scanning and deleting viruses, it quarantines the attachment file and gives you the opportunity to keep the identified .VBS program from running. Visual Basic Script files can only cause damage when they are allowed to run on your machine.

MailSafe can cause a conflict with other mail-checking software. For this reason, if your e-mail system freezes or hangs or you run into a similar technical problem while you have MailSafe active, either disable MailSafe or disable other mail-checking or virus scanning software you have installed.

File Type:XMap flight plan file
Category:Data file
File Description:XMap flight plan file or flight plan statistic file.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:


Xmap offers a powerful set of tools for efficiently managing XMap GIS databases and for providing field technicians with streamlined access to critical data layers.
This powerful and easy-to-use GIS software is interoperable with ESRI, MapInfo & AutoCAD file formats.

File Type:AAICWpro/ZoneAlarm Mailsafe renamed .sct file
Category:Data file
File Description:ZoneAlarm MailSafe renames the file extension because that way it can flag it as quarantined without having to move it to a separate "quarantine" folder. It also ensures that the file cannot be executed accidentally.
Open Programs:

ZoneAlarm Mailsafe

Company / developer:
  Zone Labs

ZoneAlarm's MailSafe provides virus protection for Microsoft Visual Basic scripts sent as e-mail attachments.

How MailSafe works
MailSafe protects your machine against viruses that can potentially arrive as e-mail attachments in the form of .VBS (Visual Basic script) files.

MailSafe is active by default; the option to enable or disable it can be found in the Security Panel. MailSafe works with mail clients that use POP3 and IMAP, the most common Internet e-mail protocols. It identifies .VBS scripts that arrive attached to your e-mails and prevents them from executing.

When an attachment is detected, ZoneAlarm quarantines it by changing the extension to .ZL and ends with either a letter or number. For example, a file called SERVER.VBS will be renamed SERVER.ZL1.

When you double-click on a quarantined file, ZoneAlarm asks whether or not you would like to open the attachment. At this point, you can choose to open the attachment, to delete the e-mail, or to check further on the validity of the e-mail and the attachment.

MailSafe does not automatically delete files attached to your e-mails and it is not a virus scanner. Rather than scanning and deleting viruses, it quarantines the attachment file and gives you the opportunity to keep the identified .VBS program from running. Visual Basic Script files can only cause damage when they are allowed to run on your machine.

MailSafe can cause a conflict with other mail-checking software. For this reason, if your e-mail system freezes or hangs or you run into a similar technical problem while you have MailSafe active, either disable MailSafe or disable other mail-checking or virus scanning software you have installed.

File Type:AAICWpro/ZoneAlarm Mailsafe renamed .shs file
Category:Data file
File Description:ZoneAlarm MailSafe renames the file extension because that way it can flag it as quarantined without having to move it to a separate "quarantine" folder. It also ensures that the file cannot be executed accidentally.
Open Programs:

ZoneAlarm Mailsafe

Company / developer:
  Zone Labs

ZoneAlarm's MailSafe provides virus protection for Microsoft Visual Basic scripts sent as e-mail attachments.

How MailSafe works
MailSafe protects your machine against viruses that can potentially arrive as e-mail attachments in the form of .VBS (Visual Basic script) files.

MailSafe is active by default; the option to enable or disable it can be found in the Security Panel. MailSafe works with mail clients that use POP3 and IMAP, the most common Internet e-mail protocols. It identifies .VBS scripts that arrive attached to your e-mails and prevents them from executing.

When an attachment is detected, ZoneAlarm quarantines it by changing the extension to .ZL and ends with either a letter or number. For example, a file called SERVER.VBS will be renamed SERVER.ZL1.

When you double-click on a quarantined file, ZoneAlarm asks whether or not you would like to open the attachment. At this point, you can choose to open the attachment, to delete the e-mail, or to check further on the validity of the e-mail and the attachment.

MailSafe does not automatically delete files attached to your e-mails and it is not a virus scanner. Rather than scanning and deleting viruses, it quarantines the attachment file and gives you the opportunity to keep the identified .VBS program from running. Visual Basic Script files can only cause damage when they are allowed to run on your machine.

MailSafe can cause a conflict with other mail-checking software. For this reason, if your e-mail system freezes or hangs or you run into a similar technical problem while you have MailSafe active, either disable MailSafe or disable other mail-checking or virus scanning software you have installed.

File Type:AutoCAD runtime extension
Category:Data file
File Description:File extension is used by AutoCAD.

AutoCAD Runtime Extension. This is a form of the C++ programming language. All files with this extension are programs that add functions to AutoCAD. They often contain the code for specific commands or groups of commands and are considered more sophisticated than ADS.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Autodesk, Inc.

AutoCAD® OEM is a CAD development platform that provides tools to build custom AutoCAD-based software products for specific markets and extend design information to users outside the traditional CAD community. You can easily create industry-specific products that offer only the features, commands, menus, and design data that your customers require.

AutoCAD OEM is licensed to independent software developers, corporate developers, and system integrators who need to

  • Deliver a product that requires CAD functionality but is not targeted at traditional CAD users
  • Build products that can read and create DWG files that are fully compatible with AutoCAD DWG files
  • Create host programs that run an application in a child window or through a web page
  • Deliver products with scaled feature sets at scaled price points Provide an AutoCAD-based platform that cannot be customized or extended by end users
  • Replace an aging CAD system and take advantage of new AutoCAD software technologies
File Type:AppleSingle encoded file
Category:Data file
File Description:Typically, these are given the extension .dat and the MIME-type in the E-mail system is set to properly identify them; however, .as extension is sometimes used. Probably used on older Apple computers and Apple OS.

AppleSingle is file format developed by Apple Computer in order to store Mac OS "dual-forked" files on the Unix filesystem being used in A/UX, Apple's first Unix-like operating system. AppleSingle combined both file forks and the related Finder meta-file information into a single file. Support for the format was later added to Unix software such as NFS and MAE, but they saw little use outside this small market.
Open Programs:

Mac OS X

Company / developer:
  Apple, Inc.

Introduction to Mac OS X

Ever wonder why people get so attached to their Mac? Think Mac OS X. At the core of every Mac, Mac OS X is what makes your digital life more simple, more productive, and just plain fun.

It’s easy.

Mac OS X is a celebration of simplicity and common sense. No complicated menus. No obscure commands. Most tasks can be accomplished with just a click or two. And if you ever need guidance, there’s a built-in help system to light the way. Oh, one more thing: Mac OS X is simply breathtaking — and easy to personalize with desktop pictures and screen savers.

It’s advanced.

Making amazing things simple takes seriously advanced technology. Mac OS X is built on a rock-solid UNIX foundation, delivers true 64-bit performance, and incorporates industry-leading animated graphics. The beauty is, you don’t have to know what one word of that means — just start up your Mac and enjoy it.

It’s amazing.

More than an operating system, Mac OS X is a collection of very cool applications. It comes with everything you need to surf the web, send beautifully designed email, video chat, and organize your personal information.

It’s secure.

In a world where PCs constantly do battle with viruses and malware, Mac OS X is a sea of tranquility. Just go about your business and Mac OS X minds the fortress. Your documents are safe even if you share your Mac with others, and you can keep your kids safe by using a rich set of parental controls.

It’s compatible.

It’s a big world out there, and Mac OS X fits in perfectly. It runs Microsoft Office. It has built-in drivers for cameras, printers, and external drives. It plugs right into a PC network. And in case there’s a PC application you can’t live without, Mac computers can even run Windows. Mac OS X is compatible with everything — most of all, you.

File Type:AAICWpro/ZoneAlarm Mailsafe renamed .pcd file
Category:Data file
File Description:ZoneAlarm MailSafe renames the file extension because that way it can flag it as quarantined without having to move it to a separate "quarantine" folder. It also ensures that the file cannot be executed accidentally.
Open Programs:

ZoneAlarm Mailsafe

Company / developer:
  Zone Labs

ZoneAlarm's MailSafe provides virus protection for Microsoft Visual Basic scripts sent as e-mail attachments.

How MailSafe works
MailSafe protects your machine against viruses that can potentially arrive as e-mail attachments in the form of .VBS (Visual Basic script) files.

MailSafe is active by default; the option to enable or disable it can be found in the Security Panel. MailSafe works with mail clients that use POP3 and IMAP, the most common Internet e-mail protocols. It identifies .VBS scripts that arrive attached to your e-mails and prevents them from executing.

When an attachment is detected, ZoneAlarm quarantines it by changing the extension to .ZL and ends with either a letter or number. For example, a file called SERVER.VBS will be renamed SERVER.ZL1.

When you double-click on a quarantined file, ZoneAlarm asks whether or not you would like to open the attachment. At this point, you can choose to open the attachment, to delete the e-mail, or to check further on the validity of the e-mail and the attachment.

MailSafe does not automatically delete files attached to your e-mails and it is not a virus scanner. Rather than scanning and deleting viruses, it quarantines the attachment file and gives you the opportunity to keep the identified .VBS program from running. Visual Basic Script files can only cause damage when they are allowed to run on your machine.

MailSafe can cause a conflict with other mail-checking software. For this reason, if your e-mail system freezes or hangs or you run into a similar technical problem while you have MailSafe active, either disable MailSafe or disable other mail-checking or virus scanning software you have installed.

File Type:Atlantis Word Processor spellchecker file
Category:Data file
File Description:File extension used by Atlantis Word Processor. Used for spellchecker file.
Open Programs:

Atlantis Word Processor

Company / developer:
  Rising Sun Solutions, Inc.

Atlantis Word Processor

Atlantis Word Processor is an application that will help you to work under extremely safe conditions.

Atlantis is an innovative, no-nonsense word processor carefully designed with the end-user in mind.

Using a most original and practical Control Board, you will create and manage all components of complex documents with unparalleled ease - sections, fields, headers and footers, newspaper columns, bulleted and numbered lists, styles, bookmarks, footnotes and endnotes, font and paragraph formatting, etc, all are a breeze with Atlantis.

File Type:Ableton Live audio analysis file
Category:Data file
File Description:File extension is used by Ableton Live. Audio analysis file.
Open Programs:

Ableton Live

Company / developer:
  Ableton AG

Ableton Live

Live offers two main views—the Session View and the Arrangement View—that interact in a powerful and unique way, allowing you to create, produce and perform your music all in a single application.

The Session View acts as a powerful musical sketch and launch pad, allowing you to try out new ideas easily and improvise freely. Each cell in the Session View grid can hold a recording, MIDI file, or any other musical idea. These ideas can be recorded on the fly or dragged in from the Browser and played in any order and at any time you wish.

The Arrangement View offers a timeline-based approach for traditional multitrack recording, MIDI sequencing and other music production tasks. You can even improvise in the Session View, and all of your actions will be recorded into the Arrangement View, where they can be edited whenever you like.


  • Multitrack recording up to 32-bit/192kHz.
  • Complete nondestructive editing with unlimited undo.
  • Powerful and creative MIDI sequencing of software and hardware instruments.
  • Real-time time-stretching and warping of AIFF, WAV, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC and MP3 files, for improvisation and instant remixing.
  • A comprehensive selection of built-in audio effects, including a host of creative delays, filters, distortions, studio compressors and EQs.
  • Built-in software instruments: Simpler for creative sample-based synthesis, Impulse for sampled drums.
  • Instrument-, Drum-, Effect Racks for creating and managing complex performance setups, drum kits and multi-effects.
  • VST and AU effects and instruments support; automatic plug-in delay compensation .
  • REX file support and native sliced audio file creation.
  • Video import and export for scoring to picture or warping picture to music.
  • Real-time control of parameters with any MIDI controller—just MIDI-map it or choose from a list of popular supported controllers for instant mapping.
  • Full ReWire support.
  • Single-screen user interface for simple, creativity-focused operation.
  • Multicore and multiprocessor support.

Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC